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custom NFTs for holders and visitors

Feb / 2023
Make-a-Mek is more than just an NFT collection, it is a living, breathing snapshot of this incredible cNFT community.
There are 2 facets to this collection:
1) Vegas MAM: Custom NFTs made at cNFTcon in Las Vegas.
2) Charles MAM: Charles Hoskinson version for all OE holders.

These custom Make-a-Meks (MAMs) were only obtainable in-person at the 2022 cNFTcon which took place early October in Las Vegas. This event was an enormous success for OE and Cardano NFTs as a whole. At our booth, an attendant was able to select between 30 different traits to "build" their own Mekanism NFT.
It didn't stop there, we then took a photograph of the attendant in front of a greenscreen to then apply their face onto the head of the Mekanism - making it a one-of-a-kind piece of art tailored for the community member who was gracious enough to lend us their time.
After an interval, over 250+ were individually assembled and airdropped to the owners. This activity was considered to be one of the best activities at the convention.

These are NFTs that are similar in nature to the Vegas MAMs, but instead of having a community member's face on the head, Charles Hoskinson's face was affixed. For those who may not know, he is our fearless leader, the founder of Cardano.
In order to obtain one, you did not have to visit us in person, these were instead awarded to anyone holding at least one Mekanism in their wallet.
There were 3 tiers of this cMAM, each tier becoming a more time-intensive piece of art. The amount of Over Exposed NFTs you owned helped determined your chances at being awarded a higher-tiered cMAM. This run of NFTs was also airdropped and was a wonderful way to celebrate Over Exposed being 1 year old.
All updates regarding this collection will be posted on our discord.

tier 3 Cmam
100 in existence
Sound design + composing + 3D animation

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